Source code for web_monitoring.db

# Functions for interacting with web-monitoring-db
from import Sequence
from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_timestamp
import json
import os
import re
import requests
import requests.exceptions
from urllib3.util import Retry
import time
import toolz
import warnings


# The DB only uses W3C-style ISO 8601 datetimes, so we can check with a regex.
W3C_ISO_DATETIME = re.compile(r'''
    ^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d         # Starts with a date
    (T                       # Times optional, but with standard delimiter
        \d\d:\d\d            # Times must have minute resolution at minimum
            :\d\d            # Optional second resolution
            (\.\d+)?         # Optional sub-second resolution
        (                    # Optional timezone
            Z                # Z is for UTC (Zulu time)
            |[+\-]\d\d:\d\d  # or offset, e.g. "+08:00" (MUST have colon)
''', re.VERBOSE)

def _tzaware_isoformat(dt):
    """Express a datetime object in timezone-aware ISO format."""
    if dt.tzinfo is None:
        # This is naive. Assume they mean this time in the local timezone.
        dt = dt.replace(
    return dt.isoformat()

class WebMonitoringDbError(Exception):

class UnauthorizedCredentials(Exception):

class MissingCredentials(RuntimeError):

def _process_errors(res):
    # If the app gives us errors, raise a custom exception with those.
    # If not, fall back on requests, which will raise an HTTPError.
    if res.ok:
        errors = res.json()['errors']
    except Exception:
        if res.status_code == 401:
            raise UnauthorizedCredentials('Unauthorized credentials for Web '
                                          'Monitoring DB')
        raise WebMonitoringDbError(', '.join(map(repr, errors)))

def _time_range_string(start_date, end_date):
    start_date : datetime or None
    end_date : datetime or None

    capture_time_query : None or string
        If None, do not query ``capture_time``.
    if start_date is None and end_date is None:
        return None
    if start_date is not None:
        start_str = _tzaware_isoformat(start_date)
        start_str = ''
    if end_date is not None:
        end_str = _tzaware_isoformat(end_date)
        end_str = ''
    return f'{start_str}..{end_str}'

def _build_version(*, page_id, uuid, capture_time, uri, hash, source_type,
                   title, source_metadata=None, media_type=None):
    Build a Version dict from parameters, performing some validation.
    if not isinstance(capture_time, str):
        capture_time = _tzaware_isoformat(capture_time)
    if source_metadata is None:
        source_metadata = {}
    version = {'page_id': page_id,
               'uuid': uuid,
               'capture_time': capture_time,
               'uri': str(uri),
               'hash': str(hash),
               'source_type': str(source_type),
               'title': str(title),
               'source_metadata': source_metadata,
               'media_type': media_type}
    return version

def _build_importable_version(*, page_url, uuid=None, capture_time, uri,
                              version_hash, source_type, title,
                              page_maintainers=None, page_tags=None,
                              source_metadata=None, status=None,
    Build a Version dict from parameters, performing some validation.

    This is different than _build_version because it needs ``page_url`` instead
    of ``page_id`` of an existing Page.
    if not isinstance(capture_time, str):
        capture_time = _tzaware_isoformat(capture_time)
    if source_metadata is None:
        source_metadata = {}
    version = {'page_url': page_url,
               'uuid': uuid,
               'capture_time': capture_time,
               'uri': str(uri),
               'hash': str(version_hash),
               'source_type': str(source_type),
               'title': str(title),
               'source_metadata': source_metadata,
               'status': str(status),
               'page_maintainers': page_maintainers,
               'page_tags': page_tags,
               'media_type': media_type}
    return version

class DbJsonDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, object_hook=self.object_hook, **kwargs)

    def object_hook(self, data):
        for key, value in data.items():
            if (
                (key == 'time' or key.endswith('_time') or key.endswith('_at'))
                and self.is_datetime(value)
                data[key] = parse_timestamp(value)

        return data

    def is_datetime(value):
        return isinstance(value, str) and W3C_ISO_DATETIME.match(value)

class DbSession(requests.Session):
    retry_statuses = frozenset((408, 413, 429, 502, 503, 504, 599))
    timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT

    def __init__(self, *args, retries=None, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.timeout = self._validate_timeout(timeout)
        retry = self._retry_configuration(retries)
        adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
        self.mount('http://', adapter)
        self.mount('https://', adapter)

    def request(self, *args, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        timeout = self._validate_timeout(timeout)
        return super().request(*args, timeout=timeout, **kwargs)

    def _retry_configuration(self, retries):
        if isinstance(retries, Retry):
            return retries
        elif isinstance(retries, (list, tuple)):
            retry_count, backoff = retries
        elif isinstance(retries, int):
            retry_count = retries
            backoff = DEFAULT_BACKOFF
        elif retries is None:
            retry_count = DEFAULT_RETRIES
            backoff = DEFAULT_BACKOFF
            raise ValueError('Retries must an int, tuple of (int, float), or '
                             'a urllib3.util.Retry instance')

        return Retry(total=retry_count,

    def _validate_timeout(self, timeout):
        if timeout is None:
            return self.timeout
        elif timeout < 0:
            raise ValueError(f'Timeout must be non-negative. (Got: "{timeout}")')
        elif timeout == 0:
            return None
            return timeout

[docs]class Client: """ Communicate with web-monitoring-db via its REST API. This object encapsulates authentication information and provides methods corresponding to the REST API. The Client can also be configured via environment variables using the class method :meth:`Client.from_env`. Parameters ---------- email : string password : string url : string, optional Default is ````. timeout : float, optional A default connection timeout in seconds to be used for all requests. ``0`` indicates no timeout should be used. Individual requests may override this value. Default: 30.5 seconds. retries : int or tuple of (int, float) or urllib3.util.Retry, optional How to handle retrying failed requests. If an int, indictes the number of retries. If a tuple, the first item is the number of retries and the second is the backoff factor. For details about how those work, see the urllib3 ``Retry`` documentation: Default: ``(2, 2)`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, email, password, url=DEFAULT_URL, timeout=None, retries=None): self._api_url = f'{url}/api/v0' self._base_url = url self._session = DbSession(retries=retries, timeout=timeout) self._session.auth = (email, password) self._session.headers.update({'accept': 'application/json'})
[docs] @classmethod def from_env(cls, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a :class:`Client` by obtaining its authentication info from these environment variables: * ``WEB_MONITORING_DB_URL`` (optional -- defaults to ````) * ``WEB_MONITORING_DB_EMAIL`` * ``WEB_MONITORING_DB_PASSWORD`` Any extra parameters (e.g. ``timeout``) are passed to the ``Client`` constructor. """ try: url = os.environ.get('WEB_MONITORING_DB_URL', DEFAULT_URL) email = os.environ['WEB_MONITORING_DB_EMAIL'] password = os.environ['WEB_MONITORING_DB_PASSWORD'] except KeyError: raise MissingCredentials(""" Before using this method, database credentials must be set via environmental variables: WEB_MONITORING_DB_URL (optional) WEB_MONITORING_DB_EMAIL WEB_MONITORING_DB_PASSWORD Alternatively, you can instaniate Client(user, password) directly.""") return cls(email=email, password=password, url=url, **kwargs)
def request(self, method, url, data=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): if not url.startswith('http://') and not url.startswith('https://'): url = f'{self._api_url}{url}' if data is not None: headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}) if isinstance(data, Sequence): headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/x-json-stream'}) kwargs['data'] = '\n'.join(map(json.dumps, data)) else: headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) kwargs['data'] = json.dumps(data) response = self._session.request(method=method, url=url, timeout=timeout, **kwargs) _process_errors(response) return response def request_json(self, method, url, data=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): response = self.request(method, url, data, timeout, **kwargs) return response.json(cls=DbJsonDecoder) def iterate_requests(self, method, url, data=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): chunk = self.request_json(method, url, data=data, timeout=timeout, **kwargs) while True: yield chunk links = chunk.get('links', {}) next_url = links.get('next') if next_url: chunk = self.request_json(GET, next_url, timeout=timeout) else: return def _iterate_chunk_items(self, method, url, data=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): for chunk in self.iterate_requests(method, url, data=data, timeout=timeout, **kwargs): meta = chunk.get('meta', {}) links = chunk.get('links', {}) for item in chunk['data']: item['_list_meta'] = meta item['_list_links'] = links yield item ### PAGES ### def list_pages(self, *, chunk=None, chunk_size=None, sort=None, tags=None, maintainers=None, url=None, title=None, include_versions=None, include_earliest=None, include_latest=None, source_type=None, hash=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, active=None, include_total=False): """ List all Pages, optionally filtered by search criteria. Parameters ---------- chunk : integer, optional pagination parameter chunk_size : integer, optional number of items per chunk sort : list of string, optional fields to sort by in `{field}:{order}` format, e.g. `title:asc` tags : list of string, optional maintainers : list of string, optional url : string, optional title : string, optional include_versions : boolean, optional include_earliest : boolean, optional include_latest : boolean, optional source_type : string, optional such as 'versionista' or 'internet_archive' hash : string, optional SHA256 hash of Version content start_date : datetime, optional end_date : datetime, optional active : boolean, optional include_total : boolean, optional Whether to include a `meta.total_results` field in the response. If not set, `links.last` will usually be empty unless you are on the last chunk. Setting this option runs a pretty expensive query, so use it sparingly. (Default: False) Returns ------- response : dict """ warnings.warn('db.client.list_pages() has been deprecated. Please use ' 'db.client.get_pages().', DeprecationWarning) params = {'chunk': chunk, 'chunk_size': chunk_size, 'sort': sort and ','.join(sort) or None, 'tags[]': tags, 'maintainers[]': maintainers, 'url': url, 'title': title, 'include_versions': include_versions, 'include_earliest': include_earliest, 'include_latest': include_latest, 'source_type': source_type, 'hash': hash, 'capture_time': _time_range_string(start_date, end_date), 'active': active, 'include_total': include_total or None} url = '/pages' result = self.request_json(GET, url, params=params) return result
[docs] def get_pages(self, *, chunk=None, chunk_size=None, sort=None, tags=None, maintainers=None, url=None, title=None, include_versions=None, include_earliest=None, include_latest=None, source_type=None, hash=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, active=None, include_total=False): """ Get an iterable of all pages, optionally filtered by search criteria. Any metadata about each paginated chunk of results is available on the "_list_meta" field of each page, e.g: >>> pages = client.get_pages(include_total=True) >>> next(pages)['_list_meta'] {'total_results': 123456} Parameters ---------- chunk : integer, optional Pagination chunk to start iterating from. If unset, starts at the beginning of the result set. (Under the hood, results are retrieved in "chunks"; using this to skip partway into the results is more optimized that skipping over the first few items in the iterable.) chunk_size : integer, optional Number of items per chunk. (Under the hood, results are retrieved in "chunks"; this specifies how big those chunks are.) sort : list of string, optional Fields to sort by in `{field}:{order}` format, e.g. `title:asc`. tags : list of string, optional maintainers : list of string, optional url : string, optional title : string, optional include_versions : boolean, optional include_earliest : boolean, optional include_latest : boolean, optional source_type : string, optional Only include pages that have versions from a given source, e.g. 'versionista' or 'internet_archive'. hash : string, optional Only include pages that have versions whose response body has a given SHA-256 hash. start_date : datetime, optional end_date : datetime, optional active : boolean, optional include_total : boolean, optional Whether to include a `meta.total_results` field in the response. If not set, `links.last` will usually be empty unless you are on the last chunk. Setting this option runs a pretty expensive query, so use it sparingly. (Default: False) Yields ------ page : dict Data about a page. """ params = {'chunk': chunk, 'chunk_size': chunk_size, 'sort': sort and ','.join(sort) or None, 'tags[]': tags, 'maintainers[]': maintainers, 'url': url, 'title': title, 'include_versions': include_versions, 'include_earliest': include_earliest, 'include_latest': include_latest, 'source_type': source_type, 'hash': hash, 'capture_time': _time_range_string(start_date, end_date), 'active': active, 'include_total': include_total or None} yield from self._iterate_chunk_items(GET, '/pages', params=params)
[docs] def get_page(self, page_id): """ Lookup a specific Page by ID. Parameters ---------- page_id : string Returns ------- response : dict """ url = f'/pages/{page_id}' result = self.request_json(GET, url) return result
### VERSIONS ### def list_versions(self, *, page_id=None, chunk=None, chunk_size=None, sort=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, source_type=None, hash=None, source_metadata=None, different=None, include_change_from_previous=None, include_change_from_earliest=None, include_total=False): """ List Versions, optionally filtered by serach criteria, including Page. Parameters ---------- page_id : string, optional restricts serach to Versions of a specific Page chunk : integer, optional pagination parameter chunk_size : integer, optional number of items per chunk sort : list of string, optional fields to sort by in `{field}:{order}` format, e.g. `capture_time:asc` start_date : datetime, optional end_date : datetime, optional source_type : string, optional such as 'versionista' or 'internetarchive' hash : string, optional SHA256 hash of Version content source_metadata : dict, optional Examples: * ``{'version_id': 12345678}`` * ``{'account': 'versionista1', 'has_content': True}`` different : boolean, optional If False, include versions that aren't actually different from the previous version of the same page in the response. include_change_from_previous : boolean, optional If True, include a `change_from_previous` field in each version that represents a change object between it and the previous version of the same page. include_change_from_earliest : boolean, optional If True, include a `change_from_earliest` field in each version that represents a change object between it and the earliest version of the same page. include_total : boolean, optional Whether to include a `meta.total_results` field in the response. If not set, `links.last` will usually be empty unless you are on the last chunk. Setting this option runs a pretty expensive query, so use it sparingly. (Default: False) Returns ------- response : dict """ warnings.warn('db.client.list_versions() has been deprecated. Please ' 'use db.client.get_versions().', DeprecationWarning) params = {'chunk': chunk, 'chunk_size': chunk_size, 'sort': sort and ','.join(sort) or None, 'capture_time': _time_range_string(start_date, end_date), 'source_type': source_type, 'hash': hash, 'different': different, 'include_change_from_previous': include_change_from_previous, 'include_change_from_earliest': include_change_from_earliest, 'include_total': include_total or None} if source_metadata is not None: for k, v in source_metadata.items(): params[f'source_metadata[{k}]'] = v if page_id is None: url = '/versions' else: url = f'/pages/{page_id}/versions' result = self.request_json(GET, url, params=params) return result
[docs] def get_versions(self, *, page_id=None, chunk=None, chunk_size=None, sort=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, source_type=None, hash=None, source_metadata=None, different=None, include_change_from_previous=None, include_change_from_earliest=None, include_total=False): """ Iterate over a set of versions, optionally filtered by search criteria. Any metadata about each paginated chunk of results is available on the "_list_meta" field of each version, e.g: >>> pages = client.get_versions(include_total=True) >>> next(pages)['_list_meta'] {'total_results': 123456} Parameters ---------- page_id : string, optional Restricts serach to Versions of a specific Page chunk : integer, optional Pagination chunk to start iterating from. If unset, starts at the beginning of the result set. (Under the hood, results are retrieved in "chunks"; using this to skip partway into the results is more optimized that skipping over the first few items in the iterable.) chunk_size : integer, optional Number of items per chunk. (Under the hood, results are retrieved in "chunks"; this specifies how big those chunks are.) sort : list of string, optional Fields to sort by in `{field}:{order}` format, e.g. `capture_time:asc` start_date : datetime, optional end_date : datetime, optional source_type : string, optional Such as 'versionista' or 'internetarchive' hash : string, optional SHA-256 hash of Version content source_metadata : dict, optional Examples: * ``{'version_id': 12345678}`` * ``{'account': 'versionista1', 'has_content': True}`` different : boolean, optional If False, include versions that aren't actually different from the previous version of the same page in the response. include_change_from_previous : boolean, optional If True, include a `change_from_previous` field in each version that represents a change object between it and the previous version of the same page. include_change_from_earliest : boolean, optional If True, include a `change_from_earliest` field in each version that represents a change object between it and the earliest version of the same page. include_total : boolean, optional Whether to include a `meta.total_results` field in the response. If not set, `links.last` will usually be empty unless you are on the last chunk. Setting this option runs a pretty expensive query, so use it sparingly. (Default: False) Yields ------ version : dict Data about each found version. """ params = {'chunk': chunk, 'chunk_size': chunk_size, 'sort': sort and ','.join(sort) or None, 'capture_time': _time_range_string(start_date, end_date), 'source_type': source_type, 'hash': hash, 'different': different, 'include_change_from_previous': include_change_from_previous, 'include_change_from_earliest': include_change_from_earliest, 'include_total': include_total or None} if source_metadata is not None: for k, v in source_metadata.items(): params[f'source_metadata[{k}]'] = v if page_id is None: url = '/versions' else: url = f'/pages/{page_id}/versions' yield from self._iterate_chunk_items(GET, url, params=params)
[docs] def get_version(self, version_id, include_change_from_previous=None, include_change_from_earliest=None): """ Lookup a specific Version by ID. Parameters ---------- version_id : string include_change_from_previous : boolean, optional If True, include a `change_from_previous` field in that represents a change object between this and the previous version of the same page. include_change_from_earliest : boolean, optional If True, include a `change_from_earliest` field in that represents a change object between this and the earliest version of the same page. Returns ------- response : dict """ url = f'/versions/{version_id}' params = {'include_change_from_previous': include_change_from_previous, 'include_change_from_earliest': include_change_from_earliest} result = self.request_json(GET, url, params=params) return result
[docs] def add_version(self, *, page_id, capture_time, uri, hash, source_type, title, uuid=None, source_metadata=None): """ Submit one new Version. See :func:`add_versions` for a more efficient bulk importer. Parameters ---------- page_id : string Page to which the Version is associated uri : string URI of content (such as an S3 bucket or InternetArchive URL) hash : string SHA256 hash of Version content source_type : string such as 'versionista' or 'internetarchive' title : string content of ``<title>`` tag uuid : string, optional A new, unique Version ID (UUID4). If not specified, the server will generate one. source_metadata : dict, optional free-form metadata blob provided by source Returns ------- response : dict """ # Do some type casting here as gentle error-checking. version = _build_version( page_id=page_id, uuid=uuid, capture_time=capture_time, uri=uri, hash=hash, source_type=source_type, title=title, source_metadata=source_metadata) url = f'/pages/{page_id}/versions' return self.request_json(POST, url, data=version)
[docs] def add_versions(self, versions, *, update='skip', create_pages=None, skip_unchanged_versions=None, batch_size=1000): """ Submit versions in bulk for importing into web-monitoring-db. Chunk the versions into batches of at most the given size. Parameters ---------- versions : iterable Iterable of dicts from :func:`format_version` update : {'skip', 'replace', 'merge'}, optional Specifies how versions that are already in the database (i.e. versions with the same ``capture_time`` and ``source_type``) should be handled: * ``'skip'`` (default) -- Don’t import the version or modify the existing database entry. * ``'replace'`` -- Replace the existing database entry with the imported one * ``'merge'`` -- Similar to `replace`, but merges the values in ``source_metadata`` create_pages : bool, optional If True, create new pages for any URLs in the import set that don't already exist. skip_unchanged_versions : bool, optional If true, don't import versions of a page that have the same hash as the version captured immediately before them. batch_size : integer, optional Default batch size is 1000 Versions. Returns ------- import_ids : tuple """ url = '/imports' # POST to the server in chunks. Stash the import id from each response. import_ids = [] for batch in toolz.partition_all(batch_size, versions): # versions might be a generator. This comprehension will pull on it validated_versions = [_build_importable_version(**v) for v in batch] params = {'update': update, 'create_pages': create_pages, 'skip_unchanged_versions': skip_unchanged_versions} params = {k: v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v).lower() for k, v in params.items() if v is not None} result = self.request_json(POST, url, data=validated_versions, params=params) import_id = result['data']['id'] import_ids.append(import_id) return tuple(import_ids)
# TODO: we probably need to change the return value here to support info # about imports that didn't finish if we stopped early. May also want an # optional timeout given that we get stuck sometimes if the DB drops an # import off its queue (which is a problem that also needs solving in DB). def monitor_import_statuses(self, import_ids, stop=None): """ Poll status of Version import jobs until all complete. Use Ctrl+C to exit early. A dict mapping the import IDs to any errors from those imports (so far) will be returned. Parameters ---------- import_ids : iterable of (str or int) stop : threading.Event, optional A threading.Event to monitor in order to determine whether to stop monitoring before all imports are complete. Returns ------- errors : dict of {str or int : list} """ errors = {} import_ids = list(import_ids) # to ensure mutable collection try: while import_ids and (stop is None or not stop.is_set()): for import_id in tuple(import_ids): # We are mainly interested in processing errors. We don't # expect HTTPErrors, so we'll just warn and hope that # everything works in the second pass. try: result = self.get_import_status(import_id) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc: warnings.warn("Ignoring Exception: {}".format(exc)) continue data = result['data'] if data['status'] == 'complete': import_ids.remove(import_id) job_errors = data['processing_errors'] if job_errors: errors[import_id] = job_errors time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: ... return errors def get_import_status(self, import_id): """ Check on the status of a batch Version import job. Parameters ---------- import_id : integer Returns ------- response : dict """ url = f'/imports/{import_id}' return self.request_json(GET, url) ### CHANGES AND ANNOTATIONS ### def list_changes(self, page_id, include_total=False): """ List Changes between two Versions on a Page. Parameters ---------- page_id : string include_total : boolean, optional Whether to include a `meta.total_results` field in the response. If not set, `links.last` will usually be empty unless you are on the last chunk. Setting this option runs a pretty expensive query, so use it sparingly. (Default: False) Returns ------- response : dict """ warnings.warn('db.client.list_changes() has been deprecated. Please ' 'use db.client.get_changes().', DeprecationWarning) url = f'/pages/{page_id}/changes/' result = self.request_json( GET, url, params={'include_total': include_total or None}) return result
[docs] def get_changes(self, page_id, include_total=False): """ Iterate through a set of changes between any two versions of a page. Parameters ---------- page_id : string include_total : boolean, optional Whether to include a `_list_meta.total_results` field in each change. (Default: False) Yields ------ change : dict Information about the change between versions of the page. """ url = f'/pages/{page_id}/changes/' yield from self._iterate_chunk_items(GET, url, params={ 'include_total': include_total or None })
[docs] def get_change(self, *, page_id, to_version_id, from_version_id=''): """ Get a Changes between two Versions. Parameters ---------- page_id : string to_version_id : string from_version_id : string, optional If from_version_id is not given, it will be treated as version immediately prior to ``to_version``. Returns ------- response : dict """ url = (f'/pages/{page_id}/changes/' f'{from_version_id}..{to_version_id}') result = self.request_json(GET, url) return result
def list_annotations(self, *, page_id, to_version_id, from_version_id='', include_total=False): """ List Annotations for a Change between two Versions. Parameters ---------- page_id : string to_version_id : string from_version_id : string, optional If from_version_id is not given, it will be treated as version immediately prior to ``to_version``. include_total : boolean, optional Whether to include a `meta.total_results` field in the response. If not set, `links.last` will usually be empty unless you are on the last chunk. Setting this option runs a pretty expensive query, so use it sparingly. (Default: False) Returns ------- response : dict """ warnings.warn('db.client.list_annotations() has been deprecated. ' 'Please use db.client.get_annotations().', DeprecationWarning) url = (f'/pages/{page_id}/changes/' f'{from_version_id}..{to_version_id}/annotations') result = self.request_json( GET, url, params={'include_total': include_total or None}) return result
[docs] def get_annotations(self, *, page_id, to_version_id, from_version_id='', include_total=False): """ Iterate through Annotations for a Change between two Versions. Parameters ---------- page_id : string to_version_id : string from_version_id : string, optional If from_version_id is not given, it will be treated as version immediately prior to ``to_version``. include_total : boolean, optional Whether to include a `_list_meta.total_results` field in each annotation. (Default: False) Yields ------ annotation : dict Data about the annotion. """ url = (f'/pages/{page_id}/changes/' f'{from_version_id}..{to_version_id}/annotations') yield from self._iterate_chunk_items(GET, url, params={ 'include_total': include_total or None })
[docs] def add_annotation(self, *, annotation, page_id, to_version_id, from_version_id=''): """ Submit updated annotations for a change between versions. Parameters ---------- annotation : dict page_id : string to_version_id : string from_version_id : string, optional If from_version_id is not given, it will be treated as version immediately prior to ``to_version``. Returns ------- response : dict """ url = (f'/pages/{page_id}/changes/' f'{from_version_id}..{to_version_id}/annotations') return self.request_json(POST, url, data=annotation)
[docs] def get_annotation(self, *, annotation_id, page_id, to_version_id, from_version_id=''): """ Get a specific Annontation. Parameters ---------- annotation_id : string page_id : string to_version_id : string from_version_id : string, optional If from_version_id is not given, it will be treated as version immediately prior to ``to_version``. Returns ------- response : dict """ url = (f'/pages/{page_id}/changes/' f'{from_version_id}..{to_version_id}/annotations/' f'{annotation_id}') result = self.request_json(GET, url) return result
### USERS ### def get_user_session(self): """ Get the current user session. Returns ------- response : dict """ user_session_url = f'{self._base_url}/users/session' return self.request_json(GET, user_session_url) ### CONVENIENCE METHODS ### def get_version_content(self, version_id): """ Download the saved content from a given Version. Parameters ---------- version_id : string Returns ------- content : bytes """ db_result = self.get_version(version_id) content_uri = db_result['data']['uri'] # override the session-level "accept: json" header response = self.request(GET, content_uri, headers={'accept': None}) if response.headers.get('Content-Type', '').startswith('text/'): return response.text else: return response.content def get_version_by_versionista_id(self, versionista_id): """ Look up a Version by its Verisonista-issued ID. This is a convenience method for dealing with Versions ingested from Versionista. Parameters ---------- versionista_id : string Returns ------- response : dict """ versions = list(self.get_versions( source_type='versionista', source_metadata={'version_id': versionista_id})) if len(versions) == 0: raise ValueError(f'No match found for versionista_id {versionista_id}') elif len(versions) > 1: matches = [v["uuid"] for v in versions] raise Exception(f'Multiple Versions match the versionista_id {versionista_id}. ' f'Their web-monitoring-db IDs are: {matches}') # Make result look like the result of `get_version` rather than the # result of `get_versions`. return {'data': versions[0]} def validate_credentials(self): """ Validate that the DB Client is authorized for the provided host. This function raises an exception if the credentials are invalid, so it's intended to be used like an assert statement. Raises ------ UnauthorizedCredentials If the credentials are not authorized for the provided host. """ self.get_user_session()